Maximizing Your AWS Lambda Functions – Leveraging Node.js Layers

AWS Lambda

AWS Lambda has transformed the way developers build and deploy serverless applications. With its ability to run code in response to events, it has become a go-to solution for creating scalable applications without the overhead of managing servers. However, as your application grows, so does the complexity of managing dependencies and ensuring optimal performance. This is where Node.js Layers come into play. In this blog, we will explore how to maximise your AWS Lambda functions using Node.js Layers, enhancing both, efficiency and maintainability.

What are AWS Lambda Layers?

AWS Lambda Layers enable you to package and share code across multiple Lambda functions, promoting code reuse and simplifying the management of dependencies. By separating your application code from the libraries it uses, you can streamline deployment, reduce the size of your function packages, and improve the cold start performance of your functions.

Benefits of using Node.js Layers

1. Reduced Deployment Size: By packaging your dependencies into a Layer, you can keep your Lambda function deployment package lightweight. This is particularly important because AWS Lambda has a limit of 250 MB for the uncompressed deployment package size.

2. Code Reusability: Layers allow you to share common code across multiple Lambda functions. This eliminates redundancy and makes it easier to update dependencies since you can update the Layer rather than each function.

3. Simplified Management: With Layers, you can manage and version your dependencies separately from your application code. This makes it easier to track changes, roll back versions, and maintain consistency across environments.

4. Faster Cold Starts: Keeping your function packages small can help reduce cold start times, especially when your functions are invoked infrequently. Smaller packages load faster, leading to improved performance.

How to Create and Use Node.js Layers?

Step 1: Create a Node.js Layer

To create a Node.js Layer, follow these steps:

1. Package your Dependencies:

   – Create a directory structure that includes the `nodejs` folder. Inside the `nodejs` folder, add your `node_modules` containing the required packages. For example:



     └── nodejs/

         └── node_modules/

             ├── express/

             ├── axios/

             └── … (other dependencies)


2. Zip the Layer:

   – Zip the `my-layer` folder to create a deployment package:


     zip -r my-layer


3. Publish the Layer:

   – Use the AWS Management Console, AWS CLI, or SDKs to create a new Layer. 


     aws lambda publish-layer-version –layer-name my-nodejs-layer –zip-file fileb:// –compatible-runtimes nodejs14.x


 Step 2: Insert a Layer to your Lambda Function

1. Using the Console:

   – Under the “Layers” section, click “Add a layer.”

   – Select “Custom layers,” choose your newly created Layer, and click “Add.”

2. Using the AWS CLI:

   – You can also add a Layer to your function using the AWS CLI:


     aws lambda update-function-configuration –function-name my-function –layers arn:aws:lambda:REGION:ACCOUNT_ID:layer:my-nodejs-layer:VERSION


Step 3: Accessing Layer Dependencies in your Function

Once you have added the Layer to your Lambda function, you can access its dependencies just like you would in a standard Node.js application. For example:


const express = require(‘express’);

const axios = require(‘axios’);

const app = express();

app.get(‘/’, async (req, res) => {

    const response = await axios.get(‘’);



exports.handler = async (event) => {

    // Your Lambda logic here



 Best Practices for using Node.js Layers

– Keep Layers Lightweight: Only include necessary dependencies in your Layers to keep them small and fast-loading.

– Version your Layers: When you update a Layer, create a new version instead of overwriting the existing one. 

– Monitor Performance: Use AWS CloudWatch to monitor the performance of your Lambda functions and identify any bottlenecks associated with Layer usage.

– Optimise Cold Starts: If cold start times are a concern, consider using lighter libraries or native modules to minimise the overhead during function initialisation.


Leveraging Node.js Layers in AWS Lambda is a powerful way of using cloud computing services to enhance your serverless applications. By reducing deployment sizes, promoting code reuse, and simplifying dependency management, you can improve both, the performance and maintainability of your functions. As you continue to develop and scale your applications, integrating Layers into your workflow will not only streamline your development process but also contribute to more efficient and cost-effective serverless solutions. Start using Node.js Layers today and maximise the potential of your AWS Lambda functions!

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